Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Wordpress.com vs Blogger.com

The first task one should do when he intends to write blogs is to search for a blog host.

I directly went to Wordpress.com and opened an account then started personalizing it.
However, I was surprised of how slow the site is! I thought it might be my connection that sucks although other sites were responding quickly.

During the customization I needed to add Google Analytics, but I could not find where and how to put it. I went navigating through the complete set of menus searching for a widget or access to the HTML source code to do that but found none.
So I “googled” the question to see if there are people out there who had the same problem. Actually there were! Unfortunately none of the proposed solution worked!

I told myself I will care about that later, how about adding social button for sharing my blog.
Again, it was all but obvious, many suggestions on “google search” but none was satisfying for me.

By the time I got really annoyed and frustrated, and decided that enough is enough.

I directed my browser to Blogger.com where I used to have an old account that I have never used.
The user friendliness of the site was really impressive. There are widgets for almost everything you might think of, and you can place the widget at different places on the blog page using a very intuitive and easy way. In case you are really creative and don't find the widget that fits your need you can create your own with few clicks.

My blog was mounted in just ten minutes.

I don't know if this will annoy anyone, it is not my intention. All what I am doing is sharing this little experience.

Finally to be objective I have found (later on) the following comparison between the two services which has more facts than my own first impression experience. Check it out it is useful blogger-wordpress-chart

1 comment:

  1. Hey there!
    Iam hosting a wordpress mu with Buddypress Website. There you can register your own Wordpress Blog for free.
    I have spend a lot of time to choose available plugins an Themes so take a look at http://www.tinyblogging.com..thanks
